Each year people come to the Krijtberg church and ask to be received into the Roman Catholic Church. We are happy to receive these applicants: it is an enrichment for us when adults ask if they can join us. Evey year at Easter around ten persons are received into the catholic Church. We do this in De Krijtberg since 1985 every year.

This course can also be followed by people who want to know more about the Catholic Faith, without wanting to become Catholic themselves. Or by Catholics who want to gain more in-depth knowledge of their faith.

If a person wants to join the catholic Church and is accepted, he or she receives the Sacrament of Baptism. People who have been baptised already in another Church are usually not baptised again, but they may receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

More information HERE  >>

This course is also offered in Dutch, see HERE >>

For further questions, you can contact Father Jan Stuyt SJ who will lead the course this coming year. He can be reached at directeur.platform@jesuits.net