In the seventies of the past century, the church was threatened with closure. The priest and parishioners at that time started a campaign to keep the church open, which among other things led to the formation of the Foundation of Conservation of the Krijtberg. On the 23rd of May 1974, this campaign has led the bishop of Haarlem to decide that the church will be kept open. Since 2012 the church belongs to the cultural heritage of The Netherlands.
As a result, the Foundation of Conservation of the Krijtberg has, since 2012, been considered a Public Benefit Organisation (cultural PBO / ANBI). The objective of the Foundation of Conservation of the Krijtberg is the protection of the common interest, such as the preservation of the Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint Franciscus Xaverius, named the Krijtberg at the Singel 446, 1017 AV Amsterdam, including the present inventory for the Roman Catholic service. The activities of the foundation consist of: a. the management of resources received through donations, appointments of heirs, legacies and proceeds from the property of the foundation, or those otherwise obtained the spending of the resources obtained by the foundation by financing the maintenance of the churchbuilding and its interior.
All sizeable expenses of the foundation are managed by the Management Foundation De Krijtberg, which is the owner of the building.