September 7, 2023
Churches on route 2023: Kerkenpad
Day trip to visit churches in other towns and villages.
Around the year 2000, The Catholic Krijtberg strengthened its relationship with its three protestant neigbours: the Mennonite Singelkerk at Singel, the Old Lutheran Church on Spui, and the English Reformed Church on the Begijnhof.
Mutual conversations of the pastors resulted in ecumenical initiatives. Some of those initiatives lasted only for a short time, other and have been going on for many years now.
In January, during the Week of Prayer for the Unity of christians, we pray for unity together.
On Ash Wednesday there is (apart from the Catholic Eucharist) an ecumenical prayer service with the imposition of ashes.
In the summer we visit churches in the country side “Kerkenpad”.
During Advent there is usually a Sunday evening prayer with music.