The worldwide Catholic Church consists of local communities, usually parishes. Every address in The Netherlands belongs to a Catholic parish. By entering a postcode on the website you can find the name (and often the website) of your parish. Baptisms are preferably administered in the parish where the family lives. There might be a reason to choose a church like the Krijtberg, (which is not a parish church) or another church in the centre of a large city.

If there is a real connection between you and De Krijtberg, you can obviously have your child baptised here. The argument: “we love the building” is not sufficient. After registration you will be invited for a preparatory meeting. During this meeting the date of the baptism is agreed upon – this is usually on a Saturday morning or late afternoon on a working day. In De Krijtberg baptisms are not celebrated on Sundays, nor on Saturdays after 4 pm.

The godparents of the one being baptized must both be baptized – this rule cannot be waived.