In the four weeks before Christmas, Advent, we raise money for the Amsterdam Food Bank. Would you like to support our annual Advent campaign? You can do so through: ABN AMRO NL21ABNA0589987259 t.n.v. RK Stichting de Krijtberg, please note: ‘Food Bank’.
In the forty days of preparation for Easter, Lent, we support the Jesuit Refugee Service. In 2023, the proceeds will go to the work of JRS in Syria, where people are helped who are displaced, and who have lost everything due to the earthquake in February.We use the same bank account: ABN AMRO NL21ABNA0589987259 t.n.v. RK Stichting de Krijtberg, please note ‘JRS’.
More information about the Jesuit Refugee Service HERE >>