The Krijtberg is a Roman Catholic Church, since 1620 entrusted to the Jesuits. The patron saint is St Francis Xavier. We welcome people from all over the world. De Krijtberg offers liturgy, pastoral care and introduction to the Catholic faith.

Eucharist celebrations in the Krijtberg: daily Eucharist at 12.30 pm.

Weekend celebrations: Saturday at 5.15 pm: H. Eucharist in English (Vigil Mass)

Sunday at 10.30 am (the new Latin rite), 12.30 pm (Dutch, spoken) and 5.15 pm (Dutch, sung).

Confession: Saturdays 4 – 4.45 pm. MORE INFORMATION >>

Our YouTube Channel for our Live Stream H. Mass HERE >>

Visiting Hours: see below, on this page, for the first three days schedule of the month HERE >>


Celebrations & activities


Baptism Children

Through the sacrament of baptism, the child to be baptised will be adopted in the church of Christ, the people of God.

First Holy Communion for children

Every year we start at the end of January with the preparation for the First Holy Communion for children from the age of 7. This is celebrated on Sacrament Day, the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost.


Two people want to share their lives with each other out of love. In the presence of the community of faith, they express their solidarity with each other and with God. 


Just as God and the community are part of the life of the deceased, so we, as fellow believers, say goodbye and give back to God whom we have received from Him.